Compliance program implementation and management in Brazil

Natalia Gindler Corsini ( is a corporate compliance professional who has worked for several Fortune 500 companies and is based in Miami, Florida, USA.

Recently I had the pleasure of attending a world-class program in the area of compliance, which covered managing compliance in multiple countries. It was such a unique event, with experienced compliance professionals (panelists and attendees) exchanging their knowledge, practices, and challenges.

One of the points of the program focused on managing compliance in Latin America. Throughout the discussion, the panelists highlighted specific examples to show how each country in the region can differ. Although the essence of the region may look similar at first glance, every country in Latin America is characterized by different cultures, originating from different histories of colonization (e.g., by Spaniards and by Portuguese); by distinct political and economic environments; and by populations with diverse types of mind-sets. These differences across the region present unique challenges for a global company implementing and establishing compliance programs in Latin America. It is important to keep in mind that one size does not fit all.

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