Submission to Secretary of Statewide assessment of needs.

§ 96.133 Submission to Secretary of Statewide assessment of needs.

(a) The State is required to submit to the Secretary an assessment of the need in the State for authorized activities, both by locality and by the State in general. The State is to provide a broad range of information which includes the following:

(1) The State is to submit data which shows the incidence and prevalence in the State of drug abuse and the incidence and prevalence in the State of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. For fiscal years 1993 through 1996, the State shall submit its best available data on the incidence and prevalence of drug and alcohol abuse and alcoholism. The State shall also provide a summary describing the weakness and bias in the data and a description on how the State plans to strengthen the data in the future.

(2) The State shall provide a description on current substance abuse prevention and treatment activities:

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