Primary prevention.

§ 96.125 Primary prevention.

(a) For purposes of § 96.124, each State/Territory shall develop and implement a comprehensive prevention program which includes a broad array of prevention strategies directed at individuals not identified to be in need of treatment. The comprehensive program shall be provided either directly or through one or more public or nonprofit private entities. The comprehensive primary prevention program shall include activities and services provided in a variety of settings for both the general population, as well as targeting sub-groups who are at high risk for substance abuse.

(b) In implementing the prevention program the State shall use a variety of strategies, as appropriate for each target group, including but not limited to the following:

(1) Information Dissemination: This strategy provides awareness and knowledge of the nature and extent of alcohol, tobacco and drug use, abuse and addiction and their effects on individuals, families and communities. It also provides knowledge and awareness of available prevention programs and services. Information dissemination is characterized by one-way communication from the source to the audience, with limited contact between the two. Examples of activities conducted and methods used for this strategy include (but are not limited to) the following:

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