Personal data processing in Brazil: A new scenario to come

Carla do Couto Hellu Battilana ( is a Partner in the Privacy and Information Technology practice, and Shin Jae Kim ( is a Partner in the Compliance practice at TozziniFreire Advogados in São Paulo, Brazil.

The data privacy legal framework is going through important modifications in Brazil: the Brazilian General Data Protection Law—Law 13.709/2018 (LGPD)—that regulates the treatment of personal data in public and private sectors was enacted in August 2018. The law was inspired by international guidelines, especially those provided by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and is supposed to come into force in August 2020.

The aim of this article is to provide an analysis of the innovations brought to the Brazilian data privacy scenario by the publication of the LGPD and the effects that it may have on different types of businesses.

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