The data-based case for anti-corruption compliance: Converting skeptics into supporters

Sam Tate ( is Head of White-Collar Crime and Compliance at Reynolds, Porter Chamberlain LLP in London, England, and coauthored Bribery: A Compliance Handbook (2014, Bloomsbury). Lucy Kerr ( is Senior Associate and a regulatory lawyer at Reynolds, Porter Chamberlain LLP.

EY’s 2018 Global Fraud Survey found that 57% of the participants do not consider “integrity” to be a business advantage. Every in-house professional advising on anti-corruption will, therefore, have come across skeptics who see compliance as a hindrance and a cost.[1]

If you are one of those in-house professionals, this article offers essential and convincing data to help convert skeptics into supporters, based on three questions: What kind of coworkers do we want? What strategy will create maximum profit? What action will lead to long-term growth?

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