The Brazilian anticorruption law: What has changed?

Lucas Ribeiro ( and Luís Felipe Heringer ( are lawyers for Mattos Filho Advogados law firm in Rio de Janeiro and Brasília, Brazil.

As Brazil emerges from its last presidential elections, an event seemed to be still unnoticed by many: the fifth anniversary of the Federal Law 12,846/2013 (the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Statute, or BAS) and its effects on national politics. The enactment of BAS was supposed to represent a turning point for the establishment of an ethical culture and a corporate governance mind-set in Brazilian society—and especially among its political agents. However, after five years of effect, what is BAS’s real legacy?

The first answer is perhaps intuitive, but no less relevant: the perception that the corruptor must be repelled with the same focus and energy as the bribe receiver itself.

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