How do I distinguish between the water-resistant/specialty and nonwater-resistant leather product process operations?

§ 63.5350 How do I distinguish between the water-resistant/specialty and nonwater-resistant leather product process operations?

(a) Product process operations that finish leather for nonupholstery use are categorized as either water-resistant/specialty or nonwater-resistant product process operations. You must distinguish between the water-resistant/specialty and nonwater-resistant product process operations so that you can determine which HAP emission limit in Table 1 of this subpart applies to your affected source. Water-resistant and nonwater-resistant product process operations for nonupholstery use can be distinguished using the methods described in paragraph (b) of this section. Specialty leather product process operations for nonupholstery use can be distinguished using the criteria described in paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) To determine whether your product process operation produces water-resistant or nonwater-resistant leather, you must conduct the Maeser Flexes test method according to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Designation D2099–00 (incorporated by reference-see § 63.14) or a method approved by the Administrator.

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