§ 63.5325 What is a plan for demonstrating compliance and when must I have one in place?
(a) You must develop and implement a written plan for demonstrating compliance that provides the detailed procedures you will follow to monitor and record data necessary for demonstrating compliance with this subpart. Procedures followed for quantifying HAP loss from the source and amount of leather processed vary from source to source because of site-specific factors such as equipment design characteristics and operating conditions. Typical procedures include one or more accurate measurement methods such as weigh scales and volumetric displacement. Because the industry does not have a uniform set of procedures, you must develop and implement your own site-specific plan for demonstrating compliance not later than the compliance date for your source. You must also incorporate the plan for demonstrating compliance by reference in the source's title V permit. The plan for demonstrating compliance must include the items listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (7) of this section: