From policy to practice: The European Union Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

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On June 1, the European Parliament agreed on its negotiating position for the much-discussed European Union (EU) Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (EUCSDDD).[1] The directive will expand on the requirements of previous laws and introduce new responsibilities to act on—not just report on—for issues such as environmental degradation, human rights violations, and carbon emissions. With the agreement currently in a position to be discussed over the coming months and possibly implemented as early as the end of this year, many are wondering exactly how the directive could affect how businesses work and how the act aligns with other common environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals.

What may be required to align with this directive, who exactly is affected, and how can conducting due diligence help? This article examines the specifics of the new directive, including potential due diligence requirements, navigating negative impacts in your supply chain, and ongoing requirements.

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