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Investigations - The Who, The How, and The What Could Go Wrong? How to Effectively Navigate an Investigation
Vincent A. LaCovara, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, Catholic University. Corey Parker, Senior Manager, Baker Tilly. Vicki Duggan, Chief Compliance, Risk, and Ethics Officer, Montgomery College.
June 1, 2020
Engage with a panel of experienced compliance professionals on the role of the compliance function in an investigation. What is an investigation? What must be investigated? How is it documented? Who performs the investigation? How is information shared?
Discuss how institutions can create standards for conducting different types of compliance and workplace investigations to ensure the process is consistently performed in a way that adds value for all stakeholders and protects the institution
Present opportunities to leverage existing communication channels, internal controls, data analytics, key performance indicators, and other leading practices to enhance the investigations process and monitor Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.