Withdrawals from Treasury accounts.

§ 281.6 Withdrawals from Treasury accounts.

Foreign exchange shall be withdrawn from accounts of the Secretary on the books of accountable officers or from the foreign exchange accounts carried with depositaries in the name of the United States Treasury, only for the purpose of sale for dollars or transfer to agencies for authorized purposes, without reimbursement to the Treasury, as provided by or pursuant to law. Such transfers, as well as transfers between foreign exchange accounts of the Secretary and between foreign exchange accounts in the name of the United States Treasury, shall be made only by direction of the Secretary. An agency requiring foreign exchange from the Treasury Department shall make request of the Secretary, indicating the amount of exchange required, in units of foreign currency, and the name and location of the accountable officer to receive the exchange. To the extent practicable and desirable, standing authorizations will be given for withdrawals from accounts of the Secretary. The following conditions apply to the sale of foreign exchange and to the requisition of foreign exchange without dollar payment:

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