§ 60.537 What records must I keep and what reports must I submit?
(1) Each manufacturer who holds a certificate of compliance pursuant to § 60.533(c), (e) or (f) for a model line must maintain records containing the information required by paragraph (a)(2) through (4) of this section with respect to that model line for at least 5 years.
(2) All documentation pertaining to the certification test used to obtain certification, including the full test report and raw data sheets, laboratory technician notes, calculations, the test results for all test runs, and discussions of the appropriateness and validity of all test runs, including runs attempted but not completed. The retained certification test documentation must include, as applicable, detailed discussion of all anomalies, whether all burn rate categories were properly achieved, any data not used in the calculations and, for any test runs not completed, the data that were collected and the reason that the test run was not completed. The retained certification test also must include documentation that the burn rate for the low burn rate category was no greater than the rate that an operator can achieve in home use and no greater than is advertised by the manufacturer or retailer.