§ 63.9794 What do I need to know about operation, maintenance, and monitoring plans?
(a) For each continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS) required by this subpart, you must develop, implement, make available for inspection, and revise, as necessary, an OM&M plan that includes the information in paragraphs (a)(1) through (13) of this section.
(1) A list and identification of each process and add-on APCD that is required by this subpart to be monitored, the type of monitoring device that will be used, and the operating parameters that will be monitored.
(2) Specifications for the sensor, signal analyzer, and data collection system.
(3) A monitoring schedule that specifies the frequency that the parameter values will be determined and recorded.
(4) The operating limits for each parameter that represent continuous compliance with the emission limitations in § 63.9788, based on values of the monitored parameters recorded during performance tests.
(5) Procedures for installing the CPMS at a measurement location relative to each process unit or APCD such that measurement is representative of control of emissions.
(6) Procedures for the proper operation and routine and long-term maintenance of each process unit and APCD, including a maintenance and inspection schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations.