Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms.

§ 1037.805 Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms.

The procedures in this part generally follow either the International System of Units (SI) or the United States customary units, as detailed in NIST Special Publication 811 (incorporated by reference in § 1037.810). See 40 CFR 1065.20 for specific provisions related to these conventions. This section summarizes the way we use symbols, units of measure, and other abbreviations.

(a) Symbols for chemical species. This part uses the following symbols for chemical species and exhaust constituents:

Table 1 to Paragraph (a) of § 1037.805—Symbols for Chemical Species and Exhaust Constituents

Symbol Species
COcarbon monoxide.
CO2carbon dioxide.
NMHCnonmethane hydrocarbon.
NMHCEnonmethane hydrocarbon equivalent.
NOnitric oxide.
NO2nitrogen dioxide.
NOXoxides of nitrogen.
N2Onitrous oxide.
PMparticulate matter.
THCtotal hydrocarbon.
THCEtotal hydrocarbon equivalent.

(b) Symbols for quantities. This part 1037 uses the following symbols and units of measure for various quantities:

Table 2 to Paragraph (b) of § 1037.805—Symbols for Quantities

Symbol Quantity Unit Unit symbol Unit in terms of SI base units
Avehicle frictional loadpound force or newtonlbf or Nkg·m·s−2.
aaxle position regression coefficient
αatomic hydrogen-to-carbon ratiomole per molemol/mol1.
αaxle position regression coefficient
α0intercept of air speed correction
α1slope of air speed correction
agacceleration of Earth's gravitymeters per second squaredm/s 2m·s−2.
a0intercept of least squares regression
a1slope of least squares regression
Bvehicle load from drag and rolling resistancepound force per mile per hour or newton second per meterlbf/(mi/hr) or N·s/mkg·s−1.
baxle position regression coefficient
βatomic oxygen-to-carbon ratiomole per molemol/mol1.
βaxle position regression coefficient
β0intercept of air direction correction
β1slope of air direction correction
Cvehicle-specific aerodynamic effectspound force per mile per hour squared or newton-second squared per meter squaredlbf/mph 2 or N·s 2/m 2kg·m−1.
caxle position regression coefficient
ciaxle test regression coefficients
ΔCdAdifferential drag areameter squaredm 2m 2.
CdAdrag areameter squaredm 2m 2.
Cddrag coefficient
CFcorrection factor
Crrcoefficient of rolling resistancenewton per kilonewtonN/kN10−3.
Ddistancemiles or metersmi or mm.
emass-weighted emission resultgrams per ton-mileg/ton-mig/kg-km.
Fadjustment factor
Fforcepound force or newtonlbf or Nkg·m·s−2.
fnangular speed (shaft)revolutions per minuter/minπ·30·s−1.
Groad gradepercent%10−2.
ggravitational accelerationmeters per second squaredm/s 2m·s−2.
helevation or heightmetersmm.
iindexing variable
kadrive axle ratio1.
kdtransmission gear ratio
ktopgearhighest available transmission gear
Lload over axlepound force or newtonlbf or Nkg·m·s−2.
mmasspound mass or kilogramlbm or kgkg.
Mmolar massgram per moleg/mol10−3·kg·mol−1.
Mvehicle masskilogramkgkg.
Mevehicle effective masskilogramkgkg.
Mrotatinginertial mass of rotating componentskilogramkgkg.
Ntotal number in series
nnumber of tires
n amount of substance ratemole per secondmol/smol·s−1.
PpowerkilowattkW10 3·m 2·kg·s−3.
ρmass densitykilogram per cubic meterkg/m 3kg·m−3.
rtire radiusmetermm.
r2coefficient of determination
Re#Reynolds number
SEEstandard error of the estimate
σstandard deviation
TRPMtire revolutions per milerevolutions per miler/mi
TRRLtire rolling resistance levelnewton per kilonewtonN/kN10−3.
Tabsolute temperaturekelvinKK.
TCelsius temperaturedegree Celsius °CK−273.15.
Ttorque (moment of force)newton meterN·mm 2·kg·s−2.
ttimehour or secondhr or ss.
Δttime interval, period, 1/frequencysecondss.
UFutility factor
vspeedmiles per hour or meters per secondmi/hr or m/sm·s−1.
wweighting factor
wwind speedmiles per hourmi/hrm·s−1.
Wworkkilowatt-hourkW·hr3.6·m 2·kg·s−1.
wCcarbon mass fractiongram per gramg/g1.
WRweight reductionpound masslbmkg.
xamount of substance mole fractionmole per molemol/mol1.
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