Registration of money transmitting businesses
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(a)Registration With Secretary of the Treasury Required.—
(1)In general.—Any person who owns or controls a money transmitting business shall register the business (whether or not the business is licensed as a money transmitting business in any State) with the Secretary of the Treasury not later than the end of the 180-day period beginning on the later of—
the date of enactment of the Money Laundering Suppression Act of 1994; or
the date on which the business is established.
(2)Form and manner of registration.—
Subject to the requirements of subsection (b), the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, by regulation, the form and manner for registering a money transmitting business pursuant to paragraph (1).
(3)Businesses remain subject to state law.—
This section shall not be construed as superseding any requirement of State law relating to money transmitting businesses operating in such State.
(4)False and incomplete information.—
The filing of false or materially incomplete information in connection with the registration of a money transmitting business shall be considered as a failure to comply with the requirements of this subchapter.