Records to be made and retained by banks.

§ 1020.410 Records to be made and retained by banks.

(a) Each agent, agency, branch, or office located within the United States of a bank is subject to the requirements of this paragraph (a) with respect to a funds transfer in the amount of $3,000 or more, and is required to retain either the original or a copy or reproduction of each of the following:

(1) Recordkeeping requirements. (i) For each payment order that it accepts as an originator's bank, a bank shall obtain and retain either the original or a copy, or electronic record of the following information relating to the payment order:

(A) The name and address of the originator;

(B) The amount of the payment order;

(C) The execution date of the payment order;

(D) Any payment instructions received from the originator with the payment order;

(E) The identity of the beneficiary's bank; and

(F) As many of the following items as are received with the payment order: [1]

(1) The name and address of the beneficiary;

(2) The account number of the beneficiary; and

(3) Any other specific identifier of the beneficiary.

(ii) For each payment order that it accepts as an intermediary bank, a bank shall retain either the original or a microfilm, other copy, or electronic record of the payment order.

(iii) For each payment order that it accepts as a beneficiary's bank, a bank shall retain either the original or a microfilm, other copy, or electronic record of the payment order.

(2) Originators other than established customers. In the case of a payment order from an originator that is not an established customer, in addition to obtaining and retaining the information required in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section:

(i) If the payment order is made in person, prior to acceptance the originator's bank shall verify the identity of the person placing the payment order. If it accepts the payment order, the originator's bank shall obtain and retain a record of the name and address, the type of identification reviewed, the number of the identification document (e.g., driver's license), as well as a record of the person's taxpayer identification number (e.g., social security or employer identification number) or, if none, alien identification number or passport number and country of issuance, or a notation in the record of the lack thereof. If the originator's bank has knowledge that the person placing the payment order is not the originator, the originator's bank shall obtain and retain a record of the originator's taxpayer identification number (e.g., social security or employer identification number) or, if none, alien identification number or passport number and country of issuance, if known by the person placing the order, or a notation in the record of the lack thereof.

(ii) If the payment order accepted by the originator's bank is not made in person, the originator's bank shall obtain and retain a record of name and address of the person placing the payment order, as well as the person's taxpayer identification number (e.g., social security or employer identification number) or, if none, alien identification number or passport number and country of issuance, or a notation in the record of the lack thereof, and a copy or record of the method of payment (e.g., check or credit card transaction) for the funds transfer. If the originator's bank has knowledge that the person placing the payment order is not the originator, the originator's bank shall obtain and retain a record of the originator's taxpayer identification number (e.g., social security or employer identification number) or, if none, alien identification number or passport number and country of issuance, if known by the person placing the order, or a notation in the record of the lack thereof.

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