Recordkeeping requirements.

§ 261.1035 Recordkeeping requirements.


(1) Each remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material subject to the provisions of this subpart shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements of this section.

(2) A remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material of more than one hazardous secondary material management unit subject to the provisions of this subpart may comply with the recordkeeping requirements for these hazardous secondary material management units in one recordkeeping system if the system identifies each record by each hazardous secondary material management unit.

(b) The remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material must keep the following records on-site:

(1) For facilities that comply with the provisions of § 261.1033(a)(2), an implementation schedule that includes dates by which the closed-vent system and control device will be installed and in operation. The schedule must also include a rationale of why the installation cannot be completed at an earlier date. The implementation schedule must be kept on-site at the facility by the effective date that the facility becomes subject to the provisions of this subpart.

(2) Up-to-date documentation of compliance with the process vent standards in § 261.1032, including:

(i) Information and data identifying all affected process vents, annual throughput and operating hours of each affected unit, estimated emission rates for each affected vent and for the overall facility (i.e., the total emissions for all affected vents at the facility), and the approximate location within the facility of each affected unit (e.g., identify the hazardous secondary material management units on a facility plot plan).

(ii) Information and data supporting determinations of vent emissions and emission reductions achieved by add-on control devices based on engineering calculations or source tests. For the purpose of determining compliance, determinations of vent emissions and emission reductions must be made using operating parameter values (e.g., temperatures, flow rates, or vent stream organic compounds and concentrations) that represent the conditions that result in maximum organic emissions, such as when the hazardous secondary material management unit is operating at the highest load or capacity level reasonably expected to occur. If the remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material takes any action (e.g., managing a material of different composition or increasing operating hours of affected hazardous secondary material management units) that would result in an increase in total organic emissions from affected process vents at the facility, then a new determination is required.

(3) Where a remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material chooses to use test data to determine the organic removal efficiency or total organic compound concentration achieved by the control device, a performance test plan must be developed and include:

(i) A description of how it is determined that the planned test is going to be conducted when the hazardous secondary material management unit is operating at the highest load or capacity level reasonably expected to occur. This shall include the estimated or design flow rate and organic content of each vent stream and define the acceptable operating ranges of key process and control device parameters during the test program.

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