Real property.

§ 75.318 Real property.

(a) Title. Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in this section, title to real property acquired or improved under a Federal award will vest upon acquisition in the non-Federal entity.

(b) Use. (1) Except as otherwise provided by Federal statutes or by the HHS awarding agency, real property will be used for the originally authorized purpose as long as needed for that purpose, during which time the non-Federal entity must not dispose of or encumber its title or other interests.

(2) The non-Federal entity shall obtain written approval from the HHS awarding agency for the use of real property in other federally-sponsored projects when the recipient determines that the property is no longer needed for the purpose of the original project. Use in other projects shall be limited to those under federally-sponsored projects (i.e., awards) or programs that have purpose consistent with those authorized for support by the HHS awarding agency.

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