Program information requirements

31 U.S. Code § 6102. Program information requirements

(a) The Director shall collect and review information on domestic assistance programs and shall provide such information to the Administrator. The information on each domestic assistance program shall include the following:
(1) identification of the program by—
authorizing law;
administering office; and
an identifying number assigned by the Director.
(2) a description of the—
objectives of the program;
types of activities financed under the program;
eligibility requirements;
types of assistance;
uses, and restrictions on the use, of assistance;
uses of core-based statistical area (as defined in section 4 of the MAPS Act of 2021) delineations (as chosen from standardized categories of uses determined by the Director), for purposes including prime recipient and subrecipient eligibility for, and distribution of, any Federal service, benefit, or funding; and
duties of recipients under the program.
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