Program income use.

§ 1128.720 Program income use.

(a) OMB guidance. OMB guidance in 2 CFR 200.307(e) identifies alternative ways that a Federal agency might specify that recipients use program income they earn.

(b) DoD implementation. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must specify how recipients are to use program income under awards using those terms and conditions.

(1) The terms and conditions may specify one of the following ways for recipients to use program income:

(i) Addition. A recipient under this alternative adds program income to the total amount of the approved budget, which consists of the Federal share of funding and any required matching or cost sharing.

(ii) Deduction. A recipient using this alternative subtracts program income from total allowable costs to determine net allowable costs for purposes of determining the Federal share of funding and any required cost sharing or matching.

(iii) Cost sharing or matching. Under this alternative, a recipient counts program income toward its required cost sharing or matching.

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