
§ 512.310 Definitions.

For purposes of this subpart, the following definitions apply.

Adjusted ESRD PPS per Treatment Base Rate means the per treatment payment amount as defined in § 413.230 of this chapter, including patient-level adjustments and facility-level adjustments, and excluding any applicable training adjustment, add-on payment amount, outlier payment amount, transitional drug add-on payment adjustment (TDAPA) amount, and transitional add-on payment adjustment for new and innovative equipment and supplies (TPNIES) amount.

Benchmark Year (BY) means the 12-month period that begins 18 months prior to the start of a given measurement year (MY) from which data are used to construct benchmarks against which to score an ETC Participant's achievement and improvement on the home dialysis rate and transplant rate for the purpose of calculating the ETC Participant's MPS.

Clinical staff means a licensed social worker or registered dietician/nutrition professional who furnishes services for which payment may be made under the physician fee schedule under the direction of and incident to the services of the Managing Clinician who is an ETC Participant.

Clinician Home Dialysis Payment Adjustment (Clinician HDPA) means the payment adjustment to the MCP for a Managing Clinician who is an ETC Participant, for the Managing Clinician's home dialysis claims, as described in §§ 512.345 and 512.350.

Clinician Performance Payment Adjustment (Clinician PPA) means the payment adjustment to the MCP for a Managing Clinician who is an ETC Participant based on the Managing Clinician's MPS, as described in §§ 512.375(b) and 512.380.

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