Payment for services of a CAH.

§ 413.70 Payment for services of a CAH.

(a) Payment for inpatient services furnished by a CAH (other than services of distinct part units). (1) Effective for cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2004, payment for inpatient services of a CAH, other than services of a distinct part unit of the CAH and other than the items included in the incentive payment described in paragraph (a)(5) of this section and subject to the adjustments described in paragraph (a)(6) of this section, is 101 percent of the reasonable costs of the CAH in providing CAH services to its inpatients, as determined in accordance with section 1861(v)(1)(A) of the Act and the applicable principles of cost reimbursement in this part and in part 415 of this chapter, except that the following payment principles are excluded when determining payment for CAH inpatient services:

(i) Lesser of cost or charges;

(ii) Ceilings on hospital operating costs;

(iii) Reasonable compensation equivalent (RCE) limits for physician services to providers; and

(iv) The payment window provisions for preadmission services, specified in § 412.2(c)(5) of this subchapter and § 413.40(c)(2) of this part.

(2) Except as specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, payment to a CAH for inpatient services does not include any costs of physician services or other professional services to CAH inpatients, and is subject to the Part A hospital deductible and coinsurance, as determined under subpart G of part 409 of this chapter.

(3) If a CAH meets the criteria in § 412.113(c) of this subchapter for pass-through of costs of anesthesia services furnished by qualified nonphysician anesthetists employed by the CAH or obtained under arrangements, payment to the CAH for the costs of those services is made in accordance with § 412.113(c).

(4) Payment for inpatient services of distinct part psychiatric or rehabilitation units is described in paragraph (e) of this section.

(5) A qualifying CAH receives an incentive payment for the reasonable costs of purchasing certified EHR technology in a cost reporting period during a payment year as determined under § 495.106 of this chapter in lieu of payment for such reasonable costs under paragraph (a)(1) of this section.


(i) For cost reporting periods beginning in or after FY 2015, if a CAH is not a qualifying CAH for the applicable EHR reporting period, as defined in §§ 495.4 and 495.106(a) of this chapter, then notwithstanding the percentage applicable in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the reasonable costs of the CAH in providing CAH services to its inpatients are adjusted by the following applicable percentage:

(A) For cost reporting periods beginning in FY 2015, 100.66 percent.

(B) For cost reporting periods beginning in FY 2016, 100.33 percent.

(C) For cost reporting periods beginning in FY 2017 and each subsequent fiscal year, 100 percent.

(ii) The Secretary may on a case-by-case basis, exempt a CAH that is not a qualifying CAH from the application of the payment adjustment under paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section if the Secretary determines that compliance with the requirement for being a meaningful user would result in a significant hardship for the CAH. In order to be considered for an exception, a CAH must submit an application demonstrating that it meets one or more of the criteria specified in this paragraph (a)(6) for the applicable payment adjustment year no later than November 30 after the close of the applicable EHR reporting period, or a later date specified by CMS. The Secretary may grant an exception for one or more of the following:

(A) During any 90-day period from the beginning of the cost reporting period that begins in the fiscal year before the payment adjustment year to November 30 after the end of the payment adjustment year, or a later date specified by CMS, the hospital was located in an area without sufficient Internet access to comply with the meaningful use objectives requiring Internet connectivity, and faced insurmountable barriers to obtaining such Internet connectivity.

(B) A CAH that faces extreme and uncontrollable circumstances that prevent it from becoming a meaningful EHR user during the payment adjustment year.

(C) The CAH is new in the payment adjustment year and has not previously operated (under previous or present ownership). This exception expires beginning with the first Federal fiscal year that begins on or after the hospital has had at least one 12-month (or longer) cost reporting period after they accept their first Medicare-covered patient. For the purposes of this exception, the following CAHs are not considered new CAHs:

(1) A CAH that builds new or replacement facilities at the same or another location even if coincidental with a change of ownership, a change in management, or a lease arrangement.

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