Publication of changes to the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system.

§ 412.428 Publication of changes to the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system.

CMS will issue annually in the Federal Register information pertaining to changes to the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system. This information includes:

(a) A description of the methodology and data used to calculate the federal per diem base payment amount for the subsequent fiscal year.


(1) For discharges occurring on or after January 1, 2005 but before July 1, 2006, the update, described in § 412.424(a)(2)(iii), for the federal portion of the inpatient psychiatric facility's payments is based on the 1997-based excluded hospital with capital market basket under the applicable percentage increase methodology described in section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ii) of the Act for each year.

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