Hidden compliance risk area: Patient grievances

Sheila P. Limmroth (sheila.limmroth@dchsystem.com) is Privacy Officer and Legal Services Specialist at DCH Health System in Tuscaloosa, AL.

Healthcare facilities should want to hear patient concerns in an effort to improve service. It is good business to address patient concerns and determine how processes and, ultimately, patient safety can be improved. Healthcare organizations that accept Medicare and Medicaid funding are required to meet patient grievance requirements published in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Conditions of Participation (CoPs).[1] CMS has also published Interpretive Guidelines (Appendix A of the State Operations Manual[2] ) on the CMS website to assist organizations in developing a compliant patient grievance process. A robust patient grievance process can also prevent a negative outcome from a state Department of Public Health survey, reduce civil monetary penalties, improve patient safety, and improve the quality of care patients receive by addressing any systemic issues.

An in-depth compliance review of the grievance process can assist a facility in determining whether Medicare CoPs are consistently met and whether the organization is prepared in the event of a state survey. This article explores CMS’s expectations for a grievance program, based on experience gleaned from an Alabama Department of Public Health survey that was performed by two registered nurse surveyors across two days at our facility.

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