§ 1321.17 Content of State plan.
To receive a grant under this part, a State shall have an approved State plan as prescribed in section 307 of the Act. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 307, a State plan shall include:
(a) Identification by the State of the sole State agency that has been designated to develop and administer the plan.
(b) Statewide program objectives to implement the requirements under Title III of the Act and any objectives established by the Commissioner through the rulemaking process.
(c) A resource allocation plan indicating the proposed use of all title III funds administered by a State agency, and the distribution of title III funds to each planning and service area.
(d) Identification of the geographic boundaries of each planning and service area and of area agencies on aging designated for each planning and service area, if appropriate.
(e) Provision of prior Federal fiscal year information related to low income minority and rural older individuals as required by sections 307(a)(23) and (29) of the Act.
(f) Each of the assurances and provisions required in sections 305 and 307 of the Act, and provisions that the State meets each of the requirements under §§ 1321.5 through 1321.75 of this part, and the following assurances as prescribed by the Commissioner: