Interest, penalties, and administrative costs.

§ 30.18 Interest, penalties, and administrative costs.

(a) Generally. Except as provided in paragraphs (g), (h), and (i) of this section, the Department shall charge interest, penalties, and administrative costs on delinquent debts owed to the United States. These charges shall continue to accrue until the debt is paid in full or otherwise resolved through compromise, termination, or waiver of the charges.

(b) Interest. The Department shall charge interest on delinquent debts owed the United States as follows:

(1) Interest shall accrue from the date of delinquency, or as otherwise provided by law. For debts not paid by the date specified in the written demand for payment made under § 30.11, the date of delinquency is the date of mailing of the notice. The date of delinquency for an installment payment is the due date specified in the payment agreement.

(2) Unless a different rate is prescribed by statute, contract, or a repayment agreement, the rate of interest charged shall be the rate established annually by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3717. The Department may charge a higher rate if necessary to protect the rights of the United States and the Secretary has determined and documented a higher rate for delinquent debt is required to protect the Government's interests. Any such higher rate of interest charged will be based on Treasury's quarterly rate certification to the U.S. Public Health Service for delinquencies in the National Research Services Awards and the National Health Services Corps Scholarship Program. The Department publishes this rate in the Federal Register quarterly.

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