Activities and services related to certain nonimmigrant and immigrant categories authorized.

§ 560.505 Activities and services related to certain nonimmigrant and immigrant categories authorized.


(1) Persons otherwise eligible for non-immigrant classification under categories A–3 and G–5 (attendants, servants and personal employees of aliens in the United States on diplomatic status), D (crewmen), F (students), I (information media representatives), J (exchange visitors), M (non-academic students), O (aliens with extraordinary ability), P (athletics, artists and entertainers), Q (international cultural exchange visitors), R (religious workers), or S (witnesses) are authorized to carry out in the United States those activities for which such a visa has been granted by the U.S. State Department or such nonimmigrant status or related benefit has been granted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

(2) U.S. persons are authorized to export services to Iran in connection with the filing of an individual's application for the non-immigrant visa categories listed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

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