What happens if an error is made in a credit entry, or if a duplicate credit entry is made?

§ 370.12 What happens if an error is made in a credit entry, or if a duplicate credit entry is made?

If we make an erroneous credit entry under this part, we will make a corrected credit entry to your account. We will then take action to recover the erroneous credit entry, or any duplicate credit entry, as follows:

(a) Return of amount of erroneous or duplicate credit entry by financial institution. We will send a notice to the financial institution to which the erroneous or duplicate credit entry was sent. When it receives this notice, the financial institution must immediately return to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank an amount equal to the credit entry. If the institution is unable to do this, the institution must immediately notify us, and provide any information that it has about the matter. We reserve the right to request the return of a partial amount of an erroneous or duplicate credit entry.

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