What are the rules for judicial and administrative actions involving securities held in TreasuryDirect ®?

§ 363.45 What are the rules for judicial and administrative actions involving securities held in TreasuryDirect ®?

(a) Notice of adverse claim or pending judicial proceedings. We are not subject to and will not accept a notice of an adverse claim or notice of pending judicial proceedings involving a security held in TreasuryDirect.

(b) Competing claims to a security. The Department of the Treasury, Fiscal Service, and the Federal Reserve Banks are not proper defendants in a judicial proceeding involving competing claims to a security held in TreasuryDirect.

(c) Divorce decree. We will recognize a divorce decree that either disposes of a security held in TreasuryDirect or ratifies a property settlement agreement disposing of a security that is the property of either of the parties. If the divorce decree does not set out the terms of the property settlement agreement, we will require a certified copy of the agreement.

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