How does the Treasury determine auction awards?

§ 356.20 How does the Treasury determine auction awards?

(a) Determining the range and amount of accepted competitive bids—(1) Accepting bids. First we accept in full all non-competitive bids that were submitted by the noncompetitive bidding deadline. After the closing time for receipt of competitive bids we start accepting those at the lowest yields, discount rates, or discount margins, through successively higher yields, discount rates, or discount margins, up to the amount required to meet the offering amount. When necessary, we prorate bids at the highest accepted yield, discount rate, or discount margin as described below. If the amount of noncompetitive bids would absorb all or most of the offering amount, we will accept competitive bids in an amount sufficient to provide a fair determination of the yield, discount rate, or discount margin for the securities we are auctioning.

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