Special measures against North Korea.

§ 1010.659 Special measures against North Korea.

(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) North Korean banking institution means any bank organized under North Korean law, or any agency, branch, or office located outside the United States of such a bank.

(2) North Korean financial institution means all branches, offices, or subsidiaries of any foreign financial institution, as defined at § 1010.605(f), chartered or licensed by North Korea, wherever located, including any branches, offices, or subsidiaries of such a financial institution operating in any jurisdiction, and any branch or office within North Korea of any foreign financial institution.

(3) Foreign bank has the same meaning as provided in § 1010.100(u).

(4) Correspondent account has the same meaning as provided in § 1010.605(c)(1)(i).

(5) Covered financial institution has the same meaning as provided in § 1010.605(e)(1).

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