Limitation on holdings.

§ 316.5 Limitation on holdings.

(a) General limitation. The amount of Series E bonds, originally issued during any one calendar year, that could be held by any one person, computed in accordance with the governing regulations, ranged from $5,000 (face amount) to $20,000 (face amount), depending upon the issue date.

(b) Special limitation for employee savings plans. A special limitation for employee savings plans was provided, which was $2,000 (face amount) multiplied by the highest number of participants in any employee savings plan, as defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, at any time during the year in which the bonds were issued. The plan had to be established, as set forth below.

(1) Definition of plan and conditions of eligibility. (i) The employee savings plan must have been established by the employer for the exclusive and irrevocable benefit of employees or their beneficiaries, afforded employees the means of making regular savings from their wages through payroll deduction, and provided for employer contributions to be added to such savings.

(ii) The entire assets thereof must have been credited to the individual accounts of participating employees and the assets so credited could be distributed only to the employees or their beneficiaries, except as otherwise provided herein.

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