§ 306.11 Forms of registration for transferable securities.
The forms of registration described below are authorized for transferable securities:
(a) Natural persons in their own right. In the names of natural persons who are not under any legal disability, in their own right, substantially as follows:
(1) One person. In the name of one individual. Examples:
John A. Doe (123–45–6789).
Mrs. Mary C. Doe. (123–45–6789).
Miss Elizabeth Jane Doe (123–45–6789).
An individual who is sole proprietor of a business conducted under a trade name may include a reference to the trade name. Examples:
John A. Doe, doing business as Doe's Home Appliance Store (123–45–6789).
John A. Doe (123–45–6789), doing business as Doe's Home Appliance Store.
(2) Two or more persons—general. Securities will not be registered in the name of one person payable on death to another, or in any form which purports to authorize transfer by less than all the persons named in the registration (or all the survivors). [1] Securities will not be registered in the forms John A. Doe and Mrs. Mary C. Doe, or either of them or William C. Doe or Henry J. Doe, or either of them and securities so assigned will be treated as though the words or either of them do not appear in the assignments. The taxpayer identifying number of any of the joint owners may be shown on securities registered in joint ownership form. [2]
(i) With right of survivorship. In the names of two or more individuals with right of survivorship. Examples:
John A. Doe (123–45–6789) or Mrs. Mary C. Doe or the survivor.
John A. Doe (123–45–6789) or Mrs. Mary C. Doe or Miss Mary Ann Doe or the survivors or survivor.
John A. Doe (123–45–6789) or Mrs. Mary C. Doe.
John A. Doe (123–45–6789) and Mrs. Mary C. Doe.
John A. Doe (123–45–6789) and Mrs. Mary C. Doe as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common.
Limited to husband and wife:
John A. Doe (123–45–6789) and Mrs. Mary C. Doe, as tenants by the entireties.
(ii) Without right of survivorship. In the names of two or more individuals in such manner as to preclude the right of survivorship. Examples:
John A. Doe (123–45–6789) and William B. Doe as tenants in common.
John A. Jones as natural guardian of Henry B. Jones, a minor, and Robert C. Jones (123–45–6789), without right of survivorship.
Limited to husband and wife: