Tax deposits using FTD coupons.

§ 203.15 Tax deposits using FTD coupons.

A TT&L depositary processing FTD coupons may choose to be designated as a retainer depositary, an investor depositary, or a collector depositary. A TT&L depositary that accepts FTD coupons through any of its offices that accept demand and/or savings deposits must:

(a) Accept from a taxpayer that presents an FTD coupon: cash, a postal money order drawn to the order of the depositary, or a check or draft drawn on and to the order of the depositary, covering an amount to be deposited as Federal taxes. A TT&L depositary may accept, at its discretion, a check drawn on another financial institution, but it does so at its option and absorbs for its own account any float and other costs involved.

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