Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

§ 63.10 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

(a) Applicability and general information. (1) The applicability of this section is set out in § 63.1(a)(4).

(2) For affected sources that have been granted an extension of compliance under subpart D of this part, the requirements of this section do not apply to those sources while they are operating under such compliance extensions.

(3) If any State requires a report that contains all the information required in a report listed in this section, an owner or operator may send the Administrator a copy of the report sent to the State to satisfy the requirements of this section for that report.


(i) Before a State has been delegated the authority to implement and enforce recordkeeping and reporting requirements established under this part, the owner or operator of an affected source in such State subject to such requirements shall submit reports to the appropriate Regional Office of the EPA (to the attention of the Director of the Division indicated in the list of the EPA Regional Offices in § 63.13).

(ii) After a State has been delegated the authority to implement and enforce recordkeeping and reporting requirements established under this part, the owner or operator of an affected source in such State subject to such requirements shall submit reports to the delegated State authority (which may be the same as the permitting authority). In addition, if the delegated (permitting) authority is the State, the owner or operator shall send a copy of each report submitted to the State to the appropriate Regional Office of the EPA, as specified in paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section. The Regional Office may waive this requirement for any reports at its discretion.

(5) If an owner or operator of an affected source in a State with delegated authority is required to submit periodic reports under this part to the State, and if the State has an established timeline for the submission of periodic reports that is consistent with the reporting frequency(ies) specified for such source under this part, the owner or operator may change the dates by which periodic reports under this part shall be submitted (without changing the frequency of reporting) to be consistent with the State's schedule by mutual agreement between the owner or operator and the State. For each relevant standard established pursuant to section 112 of the Act, the allowance in the previous sentence applies in each State beginning 1 year after the affected source's compliance date for that standard. Procedures governing the implementation of this provision are specified in § 63.9(i).

(6) If an owner or operator supervises one or more stationary sources affected by more than one standard established pursuant to section 112 of the Act, he/she may arrange by mutual agreement between the owner or operator and the Administrator (or the State permitting authority) a common schedule on which periodic reports required for each source shall be submitted throughout the year. The allowance in the previous sentence applies in each State beginning 1 year after the latest compliance date for any relevant standard established pursuant to section 112 of the Act for any such affected source(s). Procedures governing the implementation of this provision are specified in § 63.9(i).

(7) If an owner or operator supervises one or more stationary sources affected by standards established pursuant to section 112 of the Act (as amended November 15, 1990) and standards set under part 60, part 61, or both such parts of this chapter, he/she may arrange by mutual agreement between the owner or operator and the Administrator (or the State permitting authority) a common schedule on which periodic reports required by each relevant (i.e., applicable) standard shall be submitted throughout the year. The allowance in the previous sentence applies in each State beginning 1 year after the stationary source is required to be in compliance with the relevant section 112 standard, or 1 year after the stationary source is required to be in compliance with the applicable part 60 or part 61 standard, whichever is latest. Procedures governing the implementation of this provision are specified in § 63.9(i).

(b) General recordkeeping requirements. (1) The owner or operator of an affected source subject to the provisions of this part shall maintain files of all information (including all reports and notifications) required by this part recorded in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious inspection and review. The files shall be retained for at least 5 years following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record. At a minimum, the most recent 2 years of data shall be retained on site. The remaining 3 years of data may be retained off site. Such files may be maintained on microfilm, on a computer, on computer floppy disks, on magnetic tape disks, or on microfiche.

(2) The owner or operator of an affected source subject to the provisions of this part shall maintain relevant records for such source of—

(i) The occurrence and duration of each startup or shutdown when the startup or shutdown causes the source to exceed any applicable emission limitation in the relevant emission standards;

(ii) The occurrence and duration of each malfunction of operation (i.e., process equipment) or the required air pollution control and monitoring equipment;

(iii) All required maintenance performed on the air pollution control and monitoring equipment;


(A) Actions taken during periods of startup or shutdown when the source exceeded applicable emission limitations in a relevant standard and when the actions taken are different from the procedures specified in the affected source's startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan (see § 63.6(e)(3)); or

(B) Actions taken during periods of malfunction (including corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of operation) when the actions taken are different from the procedures specified in the affected source's startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan (see § 63.6(e)(3));

(v) All information necessary, including actions taken, to demonstrate conformance with the affected source's startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan (see § 63.6(e)(3)) when all actions taken during periods of startup or shutdown (and the startup or shutdown causes the source to exceed any applicable emission limitation in the relevant emission standards), and malfunction (including corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of operation) are consistent with the procedures specified in such plan. (The information needed to demonstrate conformance with the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan may be recorded using a “checklist,” or some other effective form of recordkeeping, in order to minimize the recordkeeping burden for conforming events);

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