Manufacturer in-use verification and in-use confirmatory testing; submittal of information and maintenance of records.

§ 86.1847-01 Manufacturer in-use verification and in-use confirmatory testing; submittal of information and maintenance of records.

(a) The manufacturer who conducts or causes to be conducted testing of any motor vehicle under § 86.1845–01 shall establish, maintain and retain the following records organized and indexed by test group and evaporative/refueling family:

(1) A record documenting correlation as prescribed by § 86.1845–01(e)(3).

(2) A description of all laboratory equipment calibrations and verifications as prescribed by subpart B of this part or otherwise as appropriate using good engineering judgment.

(3) Procurement documentation. A description of the procurement area, a record of the source(s) of any list(s) of vehicles used as a basis for procurement, and a complete record of the number of vehicles rejected after positive vehicle owner response and reason(s) for manufacturer rejection of each rejected vehicle. A complete record of the number of vehicle owners/lessees in which attempt to contact was made and the number of vehicle owners/lessees actually contacted, the number of owners/lessees not contacted and the reasons and number of each for failure to contact, and the number of owners contacted who declined to participate.

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