Emission standards for light-duty vehicles, light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles.

§ 86.1811-04 Emission standards for light-duty vehicles, light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles.

(a) Applicability. (1) This section contains regulations implementing emission standards for all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs. This section applies to 2004 and later model year LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs fueled by gasoline, diesel, methanol, ethanol, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuels, except as noted. Additionally, this section contains provisions applicable to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and zero emission vehicles (ZEVs). Multi-fueled vehicles must comply with all requirements established for each consumed fuel.

(2) This section also applies to LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs of model years prior to 2004, when manufacturers certify such vehicles to Tier 2 exhaust emission requirements to utilize alternate phase-in schedules, as allowed under paragraph (k)(6) of this section, and/or to earn early NOX credits for use in complying with the Tier 2 fleet average NOX standard which takes effect in the 2004 model year for LDV/LLDTs and 2008 for HLDT/MDPVs.

(3) Except where otherwise specified, this section applies instead of §§ 86.1811–01, 86.1812–01, 86.1813–01, 86.1814–01, 86.1814–02, 86.1815–01, and 86.1815–02.

(4) Except where otherwise specified, the provisions of this section apply equally to LDVs and all categories of LDTs, and to all MDPVs. Numerous provisions are applicable equally to HLDTs and MDPVs, as reflected by the term HLDT/MDPV. Numerous provisions apply equally to LDVs and LLDTs as reflected by the term LDV/LLDT.

(5) The exhaust emission standards and evaporative emission standards of this section apply equally to certification and in-use LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs, unless otherwise specified.

(b) Test weight. (1) Except as required in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(4) of this section, or permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, emission testing of all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs to determine compliance with any exhaust or evaporative emission standard set forth in this part must be on a loaded vehicle weight (LVW) basis, as that term is defined in this subpart.

(2) Interim non-Tier 2 HLDTs tested to Tier 1 SFTP standards, must be tested on an adjusted loaded vehicle weight (ALVW) basis, as that term is defined in this subpart, during the SC03 element of the SFTP.

(3) Except as required in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(4) of this section, interim non-Tier 2 HLDT/MDPVs may be tested on an ALVW basis or an LVW basis to demonstrate compliance with any exhaust or evaporative emission standard set forth in this part.

(4) MDPVs certified to bin 11 standards from Tables S04–1 and –2 must be tested on an ALVW basis to demonstrate compliance with any exhaust emission standard set forth in this part.

(c) Tier 2 FTP exhaust emission standards. Exhaust emissions from Tier 2 vehicles must not exceed the standards in Table S04–1 of this section at full useful life when tested over the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) described in subpart B of this part. Exhaust emissions from Tier 2 vehicles must not exceed the standards in Table S04–2 of this section at intermediate useful life, if applicable, when tested over the FTP.

(1) For a given test group a manufacturer desires to certify to operate only on one fuel, the manufacturer must select a set of standards from the same bin (line or row) in Table S04–1 of this section for non-methane organic gases (NMOG), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), formaldehyde (HCHO) and particulate matter (PM). The manufacturer must certify the test group to meet those standards, subject to all the applicable provisions of this subpart. The manufacturer must also certify the test group to meet the intermediate useful life standards (if any) in Table S04–2 of this section having the same EPA bin reference number as the chosen full useful life standards.

(2) For a given test group of flexible-fueled, bi-fuel or dual fuel vehicles when operated on the alcohol or gaseous fuel they are designed to use, manufacturers must select a bin of standards from Table S04–1 of this section and the corresponding bin in Table S04–2, if any. When these flexible-fueled, bi-fuel or dual fuel vehicles are certified to operate on gasoline or diesel fuel, the manufacturer may choose to comply with the next numerically higher applicable NMOG standard, if any, above the bin which contains the standards selected for certification on the gaseous or alcohol fuel.


(i) For a given test group of flexible-fueled, bi-fuel or dual fuel vehicles certified to bin 10 in Table S04–1, when operated on the alcohol or gaseous fuel they are designed to use, manufacturers may choose to comply with an NMOG standard of 0.230 for LDV/LLDTs or 0.280 g/mi for HLDT/MDPVs at full useful life and corresponding intermediate life standards of 0.160 g/mi and 0.195 g/mi, respectively, when these flexible-fueled, bi-fuel or dual fuel vehicles are certified to operate on gasoline or diesel fuel.

(ii) For a given test group of flexible-fueled, bi-fuel or dual fuel vehicles certified to bin 8 in Table S04–1, when operated on the alcohol or gaseous fuel they are designed to use, manufacturers may choose to comply with a NMOG standard of 0.156 g/mi for LDV/LLDTs and 0.180 for HLDT/MDPVs at full useful life and corresponding intermediate life standards of 0.125 g/mi and 0.140 g/mi, respectively, when these flexible-fueled, bi-fuel or dual fuel vehicles are certified to operate on gasoline or diesel fuel.


(i) For bins where intermediate life standards are applicable, a manufacturer may elect not to comply with such standards. Except as permitted in paragraph (c)(4)(iv) of this section, the manufacturer must certify such vehicles to a useful life of 15 years or 150,000 miles, whichever occurs first, for LDV/LLDTs and HLDT/MDPVs.

(ii) A manufacturer electing not to comply with intermediate life standards, as permitted in paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, may not generate additional NOX credits as described under § 86.1860–04 (g), except as permitted in paragraph (c)(4)(iii) of this section.

(iii) For bins where intermediate life standards are not applicable, or are specified to be optional by paragraph (c)(4)(iv) of this section, a manufacturer may generate additional NOX credits subject to the provisions in § 86.1860–04 (g).

(iv) For diesel vehicles certified to bin 9 or bin 10, intermediate life standards are optional regardless of whether the manufacturer certifies the test group to a full useful life of 120,000 miles or 150,000 miles.

(5) In a given model year, an individual vehicle may not be included in both the Tier 2 program and an interim program.

(6) Tables S04–1 and S04–2 follow:

Table S04–1—Tier 2 and Interim Non-Tier 2 Full Useful Life Exhaust Mass Emission Standards

[Grams per mile]

110.90.2807.30.0320.12a, c
100.60.156/0.2304.2/6.40.018/0.0270.08a, b, d
90.30.090/0.1804.20.0180.06a, b, e
80.200.125/0.1564.20.0180.02b, f


a This bin and its corresponding intermediate life bin are deleted at end of 2006 model year (end of 2008 model year for HLDTs and MDPVs).

b Higher NMOG, CO and HCHO values apply for HLDTs and MDPVs only.

c This bin is only for MDPVs.

d Optional NMOG standard of 0.280 g/mi applies for qualifying LDT4s and qualifying MDPVs only.

e Optional NMOG standard of 0.130 g/mi applies for qualifying LDT2s only.

f Higher NMOG standard deleted at end of 2008 model year.

Table S04–2—Tier 2 and Interim Non-Tier 2 Intermediate Useful Life (50,000 mile) Exhaust Mass Emission Standards (grams per mile)

110.60.1955.00.022a c f h
100.40.125/0.1603.4/4.40.015/0.018a b d f g h
90.20.075/0.1403.40.015a b e f g h
80.140.100/0.1253.40.015b f h i
70.110.0753.40.015f h
60.080.0753.40.015f h
50.050.0753.40.015f h


a This bin deleted at end of 2006 model year (end of 2008 model year for HLDTs and MDPVs).

b Higher NMOG, CO and HCHO values apply for HLDTs and MDPVs only.

c This bin is only for MDPVs.

d Optional NMOG standard of 0.195 g/mi applies for qualifying LDT4s and qualifying MDPVs only.

e Optional NMOG standard of 0.100 g/mi applies for qualifying LDT2s only.

f The full useful life PM standards from Table S04–1 also apply at intermediate useful life.

g Intermediate life standards of this bin are optional for diesels.

h Intermediate life standards are optional for vehicles certified to a useful life of 150,000 miles.

i Higher NMOG standard deleted at end of 2008 model year.

(d) Fleet average NOXStandards. (1)(i) For a given individual model year's sales of Tier 2 vehicles, including model years during the phase-in years of the Tier 2 standards, manufacturers must comply with a fleet average oxides of nitrogen (NOX) standard of 0.07 grams per mile. The manufacturer must calculate its fleet average NOX emission level(s) as described in § 86.1860–04. Up through and including model year 2008, manufacturers must calculate separate fleet average NOX emission levels for LDV/LLDTs and for HLDT/MDPVs as described in § 86.1860–04.

(ii) During a phase-in year, the manufacturer must comply with the 0.07 g/mi fleet average standard for the required phase-in percentage for that year as specified in paragraph (k)(1) of this section, or for the alternate phase-in percentage as permitted under paragraph (k)(6) of this section.

(2) For Early Tier 2 LDV/LLDTs. For model years prior to 2004, where the manufacturer desires to bank early Tier 2 NOX credits as permitted under § 86.1861(c), the manufacturer must comply with a fleet average standard of 0.07 grams per mile for its Tier 2 LDV/LLDTs. Manufacturers must determine compliance with the NOX fleet average standard according to regulations in § 86.1860–04 of this subpart.

(3) For Early Tier 2 HLDT/MDPVs. For model years prior to 2008, where the manufacturer desires to bank early Tier 2 NOX credits as permitted under § 86.1861(c), the manufacturer must comply with a fleet average standard of 0.07 grams per mile for its Tier 2 HLDT/MDPVs. Manufacturers must determine compliance with the NOX fleet average standard according to regulations in § 86.1860–04.

(e) Evaporative emission standards. Consistent with the phase-in requirements in paragraph (k) of this section, evaporative emissions from gasoline-fueled, natural gas-fueled, liquefied petroleum gas-fueled, ethanol-fueled and methanol-fueled vehicles must not exceed the standards in this paragraph (e). The standards apply equally to certification and in-use vehicles.

(1) Diurnal-plus-hot soak evaporative hydrocarbon standards. Hydrocarbons for LDV/LLDTs, HLDTs and MDPVs must not exceed the diurnal plus hot soak standards shown in Table S04–3 for the full three diurnal test sequence and for the supplemental two diurnal test sequence. Table S04–3 follows:

Table S04–3—Light-Duty Diurnal Plus Hot Soak Evaporative Emission Standards

[grams per test]

Vehicle category 3 day diurnal + hot soak Supplemental 2 day diurnal + hot soak

(2) Running loss standard. Hydrocarbons for LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs measured on the running loss test must not exceed 0.05 grams per mile.

(3) Refueling emission standards. Refueling emissions must not exceed the following standards:

(i) For gasoline-fueled and methanol-fueled LDV, LDT and MDPV: 0.20 grams hydrocarbon per gallon (0.053 grams per liter) of fuel dispensed. This standard also applies for diesel-fueled LDV.

(ii) For liquefied petroleum gas-fueled LDV, LDTs and MDPVs: 0.15 grams hydrocarbon per gallon (0.04 grams per liter) of fuel dispensed.

(iii) Refueling standards for HLDTs are subject to the phase-in requirements found in § 86.1810–01(k). MDPVs must also comply with the phase-in requirement in § 86.1810–01(k) and must be grouped with HLDTs to determine phase-in compliance.

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