
§ 82.104 Definitions.

(a) Class I substance means any substance designated as class I in 40 CFR part 82, appendix A to subpart A, including chlorofluorocarbons, halons, carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform and any other substance so designated by the Agency at a later date.

(b) Class II substance means any substance designated as class II in 40 CFR part 82, appendix A to subpart A, including hydrochlorofluorocarbons and any other substance so designated by the Agency at a later date.

(c) Completely destroy means to cause the destruction of a controlled substance by one of the destruction processes approved by the Parties and listed in § 82.3 at a demonstrable destruction efficiency of 98 percent or more or a greater destruction efficiency if required under other applicable Federal regulations.

(d) Consumer means a commercial or non-commercial purchaser of a product or container that has been introduced into interstate commerce.

(e) Container means the immediate vessel in which a controlled substance is stored or transported.

(f) Container containing means a container that physically holds a controlled substance within its structure that is intended to be transferred to another container, vessel or piece of equipment in order to realize its intended use.

(g) Controlled substance means a class I or class II ozone-depleting substance.

(h) Destruction means the expiration of a controlled substance to the destruction efficiency actually achieved, unless considered completely destroyed as defined in this section. Such destruction might result in a commercially useful end product but such usefulness would be secondary to the act of destruction. Destruction must be achieved using one of the controlled processes approved by the Parties and listed in the definition of destruction in § 82.3.

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