Offsite consequence analysis.

§ 68.165 Offsite consequence analysis.

(a) The owner or operator shall submit in the RMP information:

(1) One worst-case release scenario for each Program 1 process; and

(2) For Program 2 and 3 processes, one worst-case release scenario to represent all regulated toxic substances held above the threshold quantity and one worst-case release scenario to represent all regulated flammable substances held above the threshold quantity. If additional worst-case scenarios for toxics or flammables are required by § 68.25(a)(2)(iii), the owner or operator shall submit the same information on the additional scenario(s). The owner or operator of Program 2 and 3 processes shall also submit information on one alternative release scenario for each regulated toxic substance held above the threshold quantity and one alternative release scenario to represent all regulated flammable substances held above the threshold quantity.

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