§ 63.11454 What are the monitoring requirements for new and existing sources?
(a) For each monitoring system required by this subpart, you must install, calibrate, operate, and maintain the monitoring system according to the manufacturer's specifications and the requirements specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) You must install each sensor of your monitoring system in a location that provides representative measurement of the appropriate parameter over all operating conditions, taking into account the manufacturer's guidelines.
(2) You must perform an initial calibration of your monitoring system based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
(3) You must use a monitoring system that is designed to complete a minimum of one cycle of operation for each successive 15-minute period.
(4) For each existing affected furnace, you must record the value of the monitored parameter at least every 8 hours. The value can be recorded electronically or manually.
(5) You must record the results of each inspection, calibration, monitoring system maintenance, and corrective action taken to return the monitoring system to normal operation.
(6) At all times, you must maintain your monitoring system including, but not limited to, maintaining necessary parts for routine repairs of the system.