
§ 503.10 Applicability.

(a) This subpart applies to any person who prepares sewage sludge that is applied to the land, to any person who applies sewage sludge to the land, to sewage sludge applied to the land, and to the land on which sewage sludge is applied.


(1) Bulk sewage sludge. The general requirements in § 503.12 and the management practices in § 503.14 do not apply when bulk sewage sludge is applied to the land if the bulk sewage sludge meets the ceiling concentrations in Table 1 of § 503.13 and the pollutant concentrations in Table 3 of § 503.13; the Class A pathogen requirements in § 503.32(a); and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in § 503.33(b)(1) through (b)(8).

(2) The Regional Administrator of EPA or, in the case of a State with an approved sludge management program, the State Director, may apply any or all of the general requirements in § 503.12 and the management practices in § 503.14 to the bulk sewage sludge in § 503.10(b)(1) on a case-by-case basis after determining that the general requirements or management practices are needed to protect public health and the environment from any reasonably anticipated adverse effect that may occur from any pollutant in the bulk sewage sludge.

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