Leadership: Fixing your sexual harassment apparatus to mitigate risk

Solomon Carter (solomon@allpowermissions.com) is a compliance professional and corporate trainer specializing in curricula development and an executive at All Power In His Hands Christian Mission in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

In a piece I wrote for ethikos, titled “The dangerous duality of sexual harassment investigations and ethical risk mitigation,” I discussed some of the difficulties with internal investigations, what to look for, and the importance of maintaining your ethical bearing when dealing with these kinds of investigations.[1] I also examined that the behavior that exposes firms to risk doesn’t come from the one who had the courage to speak up. In this piece, I’ll dive deeper into the specifics of how to lead, fix your apparatus or enhance an already well-oiled machine. But to be clear, this is just a general overview and not a substitute for a comprehensive program assessment.

As with all positive things (and ironically, negative ones too), it starts with a thought and then a decision. You have to make the decision that you’re not going to tolerate sexual harassment and that you are going to effectively eradicate it through proactive behavior that more represents the lion than the lamb. I’m a strong proponent of motivational techniques in leadership, training, and compliance. If done skillfully, the “lion effect” can produce positive motivation instead of compulsion. But the nature of a lion is always still aggressive.

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