It’s FATE: Navigating and leading change ethically

Denise Atwood ( is the owner of Denise Atwood PLLC in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Chris Atwood ( the Traffic and Logistics Manager at Hemisphere GNSS in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.

Many industries, from healthcare to retail to logistics, are experiencing rapid disruption and change that correlates to a transition from storefront to online businesses. These changes include an increase in virtual and internet businesses. In general, customers seeking more convenience at a reasonable price and competitors driving an online retail path are causing this change. If an industry, organization, or company is not nimble in keeping up with the changes driven by customers and companies (e.g., Amazon, Netflix), they may face restructuring, bankruptcy, or closure. A few former industry leaders come to mind: Blockbuster, Toys R Us, K-Mart and Sears. Leaders who will succeed in this rapidly changing business environment must embrace new skills to identify and meet customer demand and to articulate new vision for the future of the company and its employees. “FATE” (Flexible, Accountable, Thoughtful communication, and Ethical) is an acronym to help leaders navigate and lead through change ethically. Think of it as a tool to guide you and the FATE of your company.

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