What exhaust emission standards must my engines meet after the 2014 model year?

§ 1039.101 What exhaust emission standards must my engines meet after the 2014 model year?

The exhaust emission standards of this section apply after the 2014 model year. Certain standards in this section also apply for model year 2014 and earlier. This section presents the full set of emission standards that apply after all the transition and phase-in provisions of §§ 1039.102 and 1039.104 expire. Section 1039.105 specifies smoke standards.

(a) Emission standards for transient testing. Transient exhaust emissions from your engines may not exceed the applicable emission standards in Table 1 of this section. Measure emissions using the applicable transient test procedures described in subpart F of this part. The following engines are not subject to the transient standards in this paragraph (a):

(1) Engines above 560 kW.

(2) Constant-speed engines.

(b) Emission standards for steady-state testing. Steady-state exhaust emissions from your engines may not exceed the applicable emission standards in Table 1 of this section. Measure emissions using the applicable steady-state test procedures described in subpart F of this part.


(c) Optional PM standard for engines below 8 kW. You may certify hand-startable, air-cooled, direct injection engines below 8 kW to an optional Tier 4 PM standard of 0.60 g/kW-hr. The term hand-startable generally refers to engines that are started using a hand crank or pull cord. This PM standard applies to both steady-state and transient testing, as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. Engines certified under this paragraph (c) may not be used to generate PM or NOX + NMHC emission credits under the provisions of subpart H of this part. These engines may use PM or NOX + NMHC emission credits, subject to the FEL caps in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(d) Averaging, banking, and trading. You may generate or use emission credits under the averaging, banking, and trading (ABT) program, as described in subpart H of this part. This requires that you specify a family emission limit (FEL) for each pollutant you include in the ABT program for each engine family. These FELs serve as the emission standards for the engine family with respect to all required testing instead of the standards specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. The FELs determine the not-to-exceed standards for your engine family, as specified in paragraph (e) of this section.

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