Identification of plan.

§ 52.2320 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan for Utah under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410 and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards or other requirements under the Clean Air Act.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to March 1, 2016, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as submitted by the state to EPA, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries for paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after March 1, 2016, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 8 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of March 1, 2016.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado 80202–1129; and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741–6030, or go to

(c) EPA-approved regulations.

Rule No. Rule title State effective date Final rule citation, date Comments
R307–101. General Requirements
R307–101–1Foreward11/8/201281 FR 4959, 1/29/16
R307–101–2Definitions08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019.
R307–101–3Version of Code of Federal Regulations Incorporated by Reference6/4/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 7/10/20.
R307–102. General Requirements: Broadly Applicable Requirements
R307–102General Requirements: Broadly Applicable Requirements11/8/201281 FR 4959, 1/29/16
R307–104. Conflict of Interest
R307–104–01Authority6/1/201681 FR 50628, 8/2/2016.
R307–104–02Purpose6/1/201681 FR 50628, 8/2/2016.
R307–104–03Disclosure of conflict of interest6/1/201681 FR 50628, 8/2/2016.
R307–105. General Requirements: Emergency Controls
R307–105–01Air Pollution Emergency Episodes9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–105–02Emergency Actions9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–107. General Requirements: Breakdowns
R307–107General Requirements: Breakdowns7/31/201279 FR 7067, 2/6/14
R307–110. General Requirements: State Implementation Plan
R307–110–01Incorporation by Reference12/6/201280 FR 54237, 9/9/15
R307–110–02Section I. Legal Authority9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–03Section II. Review of New and Modified Air Pollution Sources9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–04Section III. Source Surveillance9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–05Section IV. Ambient Air Monitoring Program9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–06Section V. Resources9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–07Section VI. Intergovernmental Cooperation9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–08Section VII. Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–09Section VIII. Prevention of Significant Deterioration6/16/200676 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–110–10Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part A, Fine Particulate Matter12/5/201986 FR 27036, 5/19/2021
R307–110–11Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part B, Sulfur Dioxide9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–12Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part C, Carbon Monoxide6/7/201885 FR 35811, 6/12/2020Only include provisions incorporated from Section IX, Part C.6 (Provo).
R307–110–13Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part D. Ozone5/2/200773 FR 5122, 9/2/08
R307–110–14Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part E, Nitrogen Dioxide9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–15Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part F, Lead9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–16Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part G, Flouride9/15/199879 FR 11325, 2/28/14
R307–110–17Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part H, Emission Limits11/25/201985 FR 75873, 11/27/2020
R307–110–19Section XI. Other Control Measures for Mobile Sources9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–20Section XII. Transportation Conformity Consultation5/2/200773 FR 51222, 9/2/08
R307–110–21Section XIII. Analysis of Plan Impact5/2/200773 FR 51222, 9/2/08
R307–110–22Section XIV. Comprehensive Emission Inventory9/18/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–23Section XV. Utah Code Title 19, Chapter 2, Air Conservation Act9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–24Section XVI. Public Notification9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–25Section XVII. Visibility Protection9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–26Section XVIII. Demonstration of GEP Stack Height9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–27Section XIX. Small Business Assistance Program9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–28Section XX. Regional Haze8/15/201985 FR 75873, 11/27/2020
R307–110–30Section XXII. General Conformity9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–31Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability9/5/201986 FR 27036, 5/19/2021
R307–110–32Section X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part B, Davis County9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–110–33Section X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Programs, Part C, Salt Lake County10/7/200470 FR 44055, 8/1/05
R307–110–34Section X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part D, Utah County5/18/200470 FR 66264, 11/2/05
R307–110–35Section X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part E, Weber County11/4/200470 FR 52467, 9/14/05
R307–110–36Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part F, Cache County9/5/201986 FR 27036, 5/19/2021
R307–110–37Section XXIII. Interstate Transport12/6/201281 FR 4959, 1/29/16
R307–115. General Conformity
R307–115–01Determining Conformity2/8/200873 FR 51222, 9/2/08
R307–130. General Penalty Policy
R307–130–01Scope9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–130–02Categories9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–130–03Adjustments9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–130–04Options7/13/200773 FR 16543, 3/28/08
R307–150. Emission Inventories
R307–150–01Purpose and General Requirements3/5/201887 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approvals: 12/14/12; 4/25/22.
R307–150–02Definitions9/3/202087 FR 24275, 4/25/2022
R307–150–03Applicability9/3/202087 FR 24275, 4/25/2022
R307–150–04Sulfur Dioxide Milestone Inventory Requirements9/3/202087 FR 24275, 4/25/2022
R307–150–05Sources Identified in R307–150–3(2), Large Major Source Inventory Requirements9/3/202087 FR 24275, 4/25/2022
R307–150–06Sources Identified in R307–150–3(3)9/3/202087 FR 24275, 4/25/2022
R307–150–07Exempted Hazardous Air Pollutants9/3/202087 FR 24275, 4/25/2022
R307–150–08Exempted Hazardous Air Pollutants12/31/200377 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–150–09Annual Ozone Emission Statement9/3/202087 FR 24275, 4/25/2022
R307–165. Stack Testing
R307–165–01Purpose and Applicability6/3/2020
87 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/14/06.
R307–165–02Testing Frequency6/3/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/14/06.
R307–165–03Notification of DAQ6/3/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/14/06.
R307–165–04Test Conditions6/3/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/14/06.
R307–165–05Reporting6/3/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–165–06Rejection of Test Results6/3/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–170. Continuous Emission Monitoring Program
R307–170–01Purpose4/1/199968 FR 26210, 5/15/03
R307–170–02Authority4/1/199968 FR 26210, 5/15/03
R307–170–03Applicability4/1/199968 FR 26210, 5/15/03
R307–170–04Definitions1/5/200671 FR 64125, 11/1/06
R307–170–05General Requirements1/5/200671 FR 64125, 11/1/06
R307–170–06Minimum Monitoring Requirements for Specific Sources4/1/199968 FR 26210, 5/15/03
R307–170–07Performance Specification Audits2/8/200873 FR 51222, 9/2/08
R307–170–08Recordkeeping4/1/199968 FR 26210, 5/15/03
R307–170–09State Electronic Data Report1/5/200671 FR 64125, 11/1/06
R307–201. Emission Standards: General Emission Standards
R307–201Emission Standards: General Emission Standards9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–202. Emission Standards: General Burning
R307–202Emission Standards: General Burning10/6/201482 FR 46916, 10/10/17
R307–203. Emission Standards: Sulfur Content of Fuels
R307–203Emission Standards: Sulfur Content of Fuels9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–204. Emission Standards: Smoke Management
R307–204–01Purpose and Goals11/5/201986 FR 24729, 5/10/2021
R307–204–02Applicability11/5/201986 FR 24729, 5/10/2021
R307–204–03Definitions11/5/201986 FR 24729, 5/10/2021
R307–204–04General Requirements11/5/201986 FR 24729, 5/10/2021
R307–204–05Burn Schedule11/5/201986 FR 24729, 5/10/2021
R307–204–06Small Prescribed Fires (de minimis)11/5/201986 FR 24729, 5/10/2021
R307–204–07Large Prescribed Fires11/5/201986 FR 24729, 5/10/2021
R307–206. Emission Standards: Abrasive Blasting
R307–206Emission Standards: Abrasive Blasting9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–221. Emission Standards: Emission Controls for Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
R307–221–01Purpose and Applicability1/7/199974 FR 1899, 1/14/09
R307–250. Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program
R307–250–01Purpose12/31/200377 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–02Definitions11/10/200877 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–03WEB Trading Program Trigger12/31/200377 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–04WEB Trading Program Applicability11/10/200877 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–05Account Representative for WEB Sources11/10/200877 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–06Registration11/10/200877 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–07Allowance Allocations11/10/200877 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–08Establishment of Accounts11/10/200877 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–09Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting11/10/200877 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–10Allowance Transfers12/31/200377 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–11Use of Allowances from a Previous Year12/31/200377 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–12Compliance11/10/200877 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–250–13Special Penalty Provisions for the 2018 Milestone12/31/200377 FR 74355, 12/14/12
R307–301. Utah and Weber Counties: Oxygenated Gasoline Program
R307–301–3Average Oxygen Content Standard9/10/200167 FR 59165, 9/20/02
R307–302. Solid Fuel Burning Devices
R307–302–1Purpose and Definitions2/1/201785 FR 10991, 2/26/2020
R307–302–2Applicability2/1/201785 FR 10991, 2/26/2020
R307–302–3No-Burn Periods for Particulates2/1/201785 FR 10991, 2/26/2020
R307–302–4No-Burn Periods for Carbon Monoxide2/1/201785 FR 10991, 2/26/2020
R307–302–5Opacity and Prohibited Fuels for Heating Appliances2/1/201785 FR 10991, 2/26/2020
R307–302–6Prohibition2/1/201785 FR 10991, 2/26/2020
R307–303. Commercial Cooking
R307–303Commercial Cooking4/10/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–305. Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties and Ogden City, and Nonattainment Areas for PM10: Particulates
R307–305Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties and Ogden City, and Nonattainment Areas for PM10: Particulates9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–306. PM10Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Abrasive Blasting
R307–306–01Purpose9/2/200587 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–306–02Definitions9/2/200587 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–306–03Applicability9/2/200587 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–306–04Visible Emission Standard9/2/200587 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–306–05Visible Emission Evaluation Techniques9/2/200587 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–306–06Performance Standards9/2/200587 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–306–07Compliance Schedule9/2/200587 FR 54900, 9/8/2022
R307–307. Road Salting and Sanding
R307–307Road Salting and Sanding2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–309. Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust
R307–309Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10 and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust8/4/201784 FR 52369, 10/2/2019
R307–310. Salt Lake County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity
R307–310–01Purpose5/13/200267 FR 44065, 7/1/02
R307–310–02Definitions2/8/200873 FR 51222, 9/2/08
R307–310–03Applicability5/13/200267 FR 44065, 7/1/02
R307–311. Utah County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity
R307–311Utah County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity3/5/201580 FR 28193, 5/18/15
R307–312. Aggregate Processing Operations for PM2.5: Nonattainment Areas
R307–312Aggregate Processing Operations for PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas2/4/201681 FR 71990, 10/19/2016
R307–325. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: General Requirements
R307–325Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: General Requirements3/9/200778 FR 59242, 9/26/13
R307–326. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Petroleum Refineries
R307–326Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Petroleum Refineries3/9/200778 FR 59242, 9/26/13
R307–327. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Petroleum Liquid Storage
R307–327Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Petroleum Liquid Storage3/9/200778 FR 59242, 9/26/13
R307–328. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas and Utah and Weber Counties: Gasoline Transfer and Storage
R307–328Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas and Utah and Weber Counties: Gasoline Transfer and Storage2/4/201681 FR 71990, 10/19/2016
R307–335. Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations
R307–335Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations1/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–340. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Surface Coating Processes
R307–340Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Surface Coating Processes3/9/200778 FR 59242, 9/26/13
R307–341. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Cutback Asphalt
R307–341Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Cutback Asphalt1/16/200778 FR 59242, 9/26/13
R307–342. Adhesives and Sealants
R307–342Adhesives and Sealants8/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–343. Emissions Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations
R307–343Emissions Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations5/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–344. Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings
R307–344Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–345. Fabric and Vinyl Coatings
R307–345Fabric and Vinyl Coatings2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–346. Metal Furniture and Surface Coatings
R307–346Metal Furniture Surface Coatings2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–347. Large Appliance Surface Coatings
R307–347Large Appliance Surface Coatings2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–348. Magnet Wire Coatings
R307–348Magnet Wire Coatings2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–349. Flat Wood Panel Coatings
R307–349Flat Wood Panel Coatings2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–350. Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coatings
R307–350Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coatings2/3/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–351. Graphic Arts
R307–351Graphic Arts2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16Except R307–351–2 and R307–351–4.
R307–351–2Applicability10/8/201481 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–351–4Standards for Rotogravure, Flexographic, and Specialist Pring Operations2/15/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–352. Metal Container, Closure, and Coil Coatings
R307–352Metal Container, Closure, and Coil Coatings2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–353. Plastic Parts Coatings
R307–353Plastic Parts Coatings5/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–354. Automotive Refinishing Coatings
R307–354Automotive Refinishing Coatings2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–355. Control of Emissions From Aerospace Manufacture and Rework Facilities
R307–355Control of Emissions from Aerospace Manufacture and Rework Facilities2/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–355–5Emission standards2/15/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–356. Appliance Pilot Light
R307–356Appliance Pilot Light1/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–357. Consumer Products
R307–357Consumer Products8/1/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16Except R307–357–4.
R307–357–4Standards5/8/201481 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–361. Architectural Coatings
R307–361Architectural Coatings10/31/201381 FR 9343, 2/25/16
R307–401. Permit: New and Modified Sources
R307–401–01Purpose6/16/200679 FR 7072, 2/6/14
R307–401–02Definitions3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14.
R307–401–03Applicability6/16/200679 FR 7072, 2/6/14
R307–401–04General Requirements3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14.
R307–401–05Notice of Intent3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14.
R307–401–06Review Period3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14.
R307–401–07Public Notice10/3/201381 FR 4959, 1/29/16
R307–401–08Approval Order6/16/200679 FR 7072, 2/6/14
R307–401–09Small Source Exemption3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14.
R307–401–10Source Category Exemptions3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 5/27/2021.
R307–401–11Replacement-in-Kind Equipment3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14.
R307–401–12Reduction in Air Contaminants08/07/2014 81 FR 46338, 7/19/2016
R307–401–13Plantwide Applicability Limits6/16/200679 FR 7072, 2/6/14
R307–401–14Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 5/13/14.
R307–401–15Air Strippers and Soil Vapor Extraction Projects3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 1/29/16.
R307–401–16De minimis Emissions From Soil Aeration Projects3/5/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 5/13/14.
R307–401–17Temporary Relocation6/16/200679 FR 7072, 2/6/14
R307–401–18Eighteen Month Review6/16/200679 FR 7072, 2/6/14
R307–403. Permits: New and Modified Sources in Nonattainment Areas and Maintenance Areas
R307–403Permits: New and Modified Sources in Nonattainment Areas and Maintenance Areas9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/2006Except for R307–403–1, R307–403–2, R307–403–6, R307–403–10, R307–403–11.
R307–403–1Purpose and Definitions08/02/2018
84 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–2Applicability08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–3Review of Major Sources of Air Quality Impact08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–4Offsets: General Requirements08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–5Offsets: Particulate Matter Nonattainment Areas08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–6Offsets: Ozone Nonattainment Areas08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–7Offsets: Baseline08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–9Construction in Stages08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–10Analysis of Alternatives08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–403–11Actual PALS08/02/201884 FR 35832, 7/25/2019
R307–405. Permits: Major Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (PSD)
R307–405–01Purpose9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–02Applicability6/4/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 7/10/20.
R307–405–03Definitions02/02/201281 FR 46838, 7/19/2016
R307–405–04Area Designations9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–05Area Redesignation9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–06Ambient Air Increments9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–07Ambient Air Ceilings9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–08Exclusions from Increment Consumption9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–09Stack Heights9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–10Exemptions9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–11Control Technology Review9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–12Source Impact Analysis9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–13Air Quality Models9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–14Air Quality Analysis9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–15Source Information9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–16Additional Impact Analysis9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–17Sources Impacting Federal Class I Areas: Additional Rquirements9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–18Public Participation9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–19Source Obligation9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–20Innovative Control Technology9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–21Actuals PALs9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–405–22Banking of Emission Offset Credit in PSD Areas9/7/200776 FR 41712, 7/15/11
R307–406. Visibility
R307–406Visibility9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–410. Permits: Emissions Impact Analysis
R307–410–01Purpose6/6/200679 FR 7072, 2/6/14
R307–410–02Definitions08/07/201481 FR 46838, 7/19/2016
R307–410–03Use of Dispersion Models6/4/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 7/10/20.
R307–410–04Modeling of Criteria Pollutant Impacts in Attainment Areas8/6/202087 FR 54900, 9/8/2022Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14.
R307–410–06Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques08/07/201481 FR 46838, 7/19/2016
R307–413. Permits: Exemptions and Special Provisions
[R307–7]Exemption from Notice of Intent Requirements for Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery11/15/199667 FR 35442, 5/20/02Recodification not approved.
R307–413–7Exemption from Notice of Intent Requirements for Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery9/15/199871 FR 7679, 2/14/06
R307–414. Permits: Fees for Approval Orders
R307–414Permits: Fees for Approval Orders12/17/200072 FR 4641, 2/1/07
R307–420. Permits: Ozone Offset Requirements in Davis and Salt Lake Counties
R307–420–1Purpose3/1/1999, 7/1/201382 FR 46419, 10/5/2017
R307–420–2Definitions3/1/1999, 7/1/201382 FR 46419, 10/5/2017
R307–420–3Applicability3/1/1999, 7/1/201382 FR 46419, 10/5/2017
R307–420–4General Requirements3/1/1999, 7/1/201382 FR 46419, 10/5/2017
R307–420–5Contingency Measure: Offsets for Oxides of Nitrogen3/1/1999, 7/1/201382 FR 46419, 10/5/2017
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