§ 156.122 Prescription drug benefits.
(a) A health plan does not provide essential health benefits unless it:
(1) Subject to the exception in paragraph (b) of this section, covers at least the greater of:
(i) One drug in every United States Pharmacopeia (USP) category and class; or
(ii) The same number of prescription drugs in each category and class as the EHB-benchmark plan;
(2) Submits its formulary drug list to the Exchange, the State or OPM; and
(3) For plans years beginning on or after January 1, 2017, uses a pharmacy and therapeutics (P&T) committee that meets the following standards.
(i) Membership standards. The P&T committee must:
(A) Have members that represent a sufficient number of clinical specialties to adequately meet the needs of enrollees.
(B) Consist of a majority of individuals who are practicing physicians, practicing pharmacists and other practicing health care professionals who are licensed to prescribe drugs.
(C) Prohibit any member with a conflict of interest with respect to the issuer or a pharmaceutical manufacturer from voting on any matters for which the conflict exists.
(D) Require at least 20 percent of its membership to have no conflict of interest with respect to the issuer and any pharmaceutical manufacturer.
(ii) Meeting standards. The P&T committee must:
(A) Meet at least quarterly.
(B) Maintain written documentation of the rationale for all decisions regarding formulary drug list development or revision.
(iii) Formulary drug list establishment and management. The P&T committee must:
(A) Develop and document procedures to ensure appropriate drug review and inclusion.
(B) Base clinical decisions on the strength of scientific evidence and standards of practice, including assessing peer-reviewed medical literature, pharmacoeconomic studies, outcomes research data, and other such information as it determines appropriate.
(C) Consider the therapeutic advantages of drugs in terms of safety and efficacy when selecting formulary drugs.