Preparation and submission of appropriations requests to the President

31 U.S. Code § 1108. Preparation and submission of appropriations requests to the President

In this section (except subsections (b)(1) and (e)), “agency” means a department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government.
The head of each agency shall prepare and submit to the President each appropriation request for the agency. The request shall be prepared and submitted in the form prescribed by the President under this chapter and by the date established by the President. When the head of an agency does not submit a request by that date, the President shall prepare the request for the agency to be included in the budget or changes in the budget or as deficiency and supplemental appropriations. The President may change agency appropriation requests. Agency appropriation requests shall be developed from cost-based budgets in the way and at times prescribed by the President. The head of the agency shall use the cost-based budget to administer the agency and to divide appropriations or amounts.
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