Pre-testing and assessment procedures.

§ 155.1515 Pre-testing and assessment procedures.

(a) General requirement. The State-based Exchanges are required to participate in the IPPTA for a period of two calendar years. The State-based Exchange and HHS will execute the pre-testing and assessment procedures in this section within the timelines in the pre-testing and assessment plan.

(b) Orientation and planning processes. (1) As a part of the orientation process, HHS will provide State-based Exchanges with an overview of the pre-testing and assessment procedures and identify documentation that a State-based Exchange must provide to HHS for pre-testing and assessment.

(2) As a part of the planning process, HHS, in collaboration with each State-based Exchange, will develop a pre-testing and assessment plan that takes into consideration relevant activities, if any, that were completed during a prior, voluntary State engagement. The pre-testing and assessment plan will include the pre-testing and assessment checklist.

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