Phase I unit adjusted utilization.

§ 72.91 Phase I unit adjusted utilization.

(a) Annual compliance certification report. The designated representative for each Phase I unit shall include in the annual compliance certification report the unit's adjusted utilization for the calendar year in Phase I covered by the report, calculated as follows:

Adjusted utilization = baseline − actual utilization − plan reductions + compensating generation provided to other units


(1) “Baseline” is as defined in § 72.2 of this part.

(2) “Actual utilization” is the actual annual heat input (in mmBtu) of the unit for the calendar year determined in accordance with part 75 of this chapter.

(3) “Plan reductions” are the reductions in actual utilization, for the calendar year, below the baseline that are accounted for by an approved reduced utilization plan. The designated representative for the unit shall calculate the “plan reductions” (in mmBtu) using the following formula and converting all values in Kwh to mmBtu using the actual annual average heat rate (Btu/Kwh) of the unit (determined in accordance with part 75 of this chapter) before the employment of any improved unit efficiency measures under an approved plan:

Plan reductions = reduction from energy conservation + reduction from improved unit efficiency improvements + shifts to designated sulfur-free generators + shifts to designated compensating units


(i) “Reduction from energy conservation” is a good faith estimate of the expected kilowatt hour savings during the calendar year from all conservation measures under the reduced utilization plan and the corresponding reduction in heat input (in mmBtu) resulting from those savings. The verified amount of such reduction shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(ii) “Reduction from improved unit efficiency” is a good faith estimate of the expected improvement in heat rate during the calendar year and the corresponding reduction in heat input (in mmBtu) at the Phase I unit as a result of all improved unit efficiency measures under the reduced utilization plan. The verified amount of such reduction shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(iii) “Shifts to designated sulfur-free generators” is the reduction in utilization (in mmBtu), for the calendar year, that is accounted for by all sulfur-free generators designated under the reduced utilization plan in effect for the calendar year. This term equals the sum, for all such generators, of the “shift to sulfur-free generator.” “Shift to sulfur-free generator” shall equal the amount, to the extent documented under paragraph (a)(6) of this section, calculated for each generator using the following formula:

Shift to sulfur-free generator = actual sulfur-free utilization − [(average 1985–87 sulfur-free annual utilization) (1 + percentage change in dispatch system sales)]


(A) “Actual sulfur-free utilization” is the actual annual generation (in Kwh) of the designated sulfur-free generator for the calendar year converted to mmBtus.

(B) “Average 1985–87 sulfur-free utilization” is the sum of annual generation (in Kwh) for 1985, 1986, and 1987 for the designated sulfur-free generator, divided by three and converted to mmBtus.

(C) “Percentage change in dispatch system sales” is calculated as follows:



S = dispatch system sales (in Kwh) c = calendar year y = 1985, 1986, or 1987

If the result of the formula for percentage change in dispatch system sales is less than or equal to zero, then percentage change in dispatch system sales shall be treated as zero only for purposes of paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section.

(D) If the result of the formula for “shift to sulfur-free generator” is less than or equal to zero, then “shift to sulfur-free generator” is zero.

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