General notification and reporting requirements.

§ 60.19 General notification and reporting requirements.

(a) For the purposes of this part, time periods specified in days shall be measured in calendar days, even if the word “calendar” is absent, unless otherwise specified in an applicable requirement.

(b) For the purposes of this part, if an explicit postmark deadline is not specified in an applicable requirement for the submittal of a notification, application, report, or other written communication to the Administrator, the owner or operator shall postmark the submittal on or before the number of days specified in the applicable requirement. For example, if a notification must be submitted 15 days before a particular event is scheduled to take place, the notification shall be postmarked on or before 15 days preceding the event; likewise, if a notification must be submitted 15 days after a particular event takes place, the notification shall be delivered or postmarked on or before 15 days following the end of the event. The use of reliable non-Government mail carriers that provide indications of verifiable delivery of information required to be submitted to the Administrator, similar to the postmark provided by the U.S. Postal Service, or alternative means of delivery, including the use of electronic media, agreed to by the permitting authority, is acceptable.

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